FTP SETUP on your local host machine

Just to have an idea on FTP(Ask your administrator for FTP access. )

HINT:To enable FTP setting on your windows go to your  CONTROL PANEL and click on PROGRAMS  and select TURN WINDOWS FEATURE ON OR OFF. In the WINDOWS FEATURES select IIS and expand and you see FTP SUITE and WORLD WIDE WEB SUITE . Select both SUITEs and press ok

1)Search and open Internet information services manager and  right click on site and select ADD FTP SITE
It opens a wizard with SITE INFORMATION which we need to add FTP SITE name and ADD content  directory  physical path and click next.
2)And in second step in wizard BINDING AND SSL Setting window
Enter Binding IP Address and PORT
CHECK FTP site  automatically  and enter SSL information(select SSL required radio button)
3)Add authentication and authorization who can do what  with permissions.

To add more users to the ftp site you  can go to site in IIS manager and select the authorization tab on the home page of the ftp site 

And right clcik and select “Add Allow Rule” and more users with permissions.
4)click on binding and on the right corner of the ACTION pane
Click add on the site binding pane and click next  

Any DNS entry you want to match can be done here in the hostname box.
HINT:Any Request starting from your local machine in any browser  will look for dns entry first in your local machine etc/hosts file, and then in your dns server for your company  if you have one, if you don’t have it then it will search for public DNS available by your servive provider.
4)To test FTP connection externally .
                --Go to router settings and edit to allow FTP with properties FTP host server IP ADDRESS
--On your machine CLICK Run àType FTPàpress enter on keybaordàon the command line enteràtype open IPAddressof FTPHOST port# àclick enter àuse dir command to view.
5)If the firewall is blocking then go to search and open firewall and enable ftp inbound rules or create a new rule or custom rule to FTP to work 

6) TO test the FTP from local machine or locally open a brower type the ftp://with the ip address and port number in the address bar and press enter . In the open window give the user name with password for authentication and press enter. You will see the FTP home directory to futher explore.